Weiss Schwarz - Fujimi Fantasia Bunko vol.2 (Japanese) Pack Break

Weiss Schwarz - Fujimi Fantasia Bunko vol.2 (Japanese) Pack Break

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Possible hits:
主従を越えた愛 リアス Fdd/W120-076SEC SEC - $2750
繰り返す覚悟 狂三 Fdl/W120-077SEC SEC - $2500
将来を誓いあった仲 リアス Fdd/W120-081SP SP - $950
And more!!!

Buy 12 packs to receive a full booster box

Wheel Spin eligibility! If you purchase THREE of these boxes in one order, you will earn a lucky wheel spin for a chance to win extra hits, store credit, or a free Weiss Schwarz Signature card!